Some People Are Just Unlovable
There’s nothing that gives me
more joy than immersing myself in the appreciation of another being. I love people. I honestly do. I
deliberately choose to fall in love with people. I’ve learned that we, as human
beings, are all pretty unlovable, but entirely loveable at the same time. How cool is that, right?
The number one need for the soul is to love
and be loved. But some people aren’t very easy to love, because either they’re
really rude, inconsiderate, selfish, arrogant, sadly boring, pathetic, or down
right annoying. (*sigh* Don't we all have those?) But I figured; if I get this one thing right; loving the
unlovable people, I will experience true depths of love and my life will be
pretty awesome. Learn from the Lifecoach, will you :)
1. Understand that PEOPLE ARE BROKEN
There is not one person that I have met that isn’t cracked
or broken. We are all pretty broken. We are out here acting all well and fine,
wearing a perfectly plastered face until people can’t tell how deeply wounded
we are. Certain things happened in our lives, and those things left scars. It
just so happens that we treat people from this place of brokenness. You’ve all
heard this one; “Hurting people hurt people”. This understanding has helped me
tremendously in not taking emotional attacks too deep, because I assume that
somebody is hurting me because they are victims, and the last thing they need
is further victimization. We aren’t perfect. Expect us to hurt you. When you
expect it and understand us, it is easier for you to forgive us, making your
life much much easier.
“Maturity is when somebody hurts you and you try to understand their situation instead of trying to hurt them back.” - Unknown
2. Read this twice...
Trust me on this one: very few people go to bed, thinking up ways on
how to hurt you and make your life miserable. Life isn’t one of those Telemundo
things, where you have a good five people that are super dedicated and
committed to their job of making sure that you don’t succeed. Like, get over
yourself. Even people that hate you the most; chances are very skinny that they
go to bed thinking “tomorrow, I’m gonna wake up, have coffee, then hurt Mary,
go to the gym, grab lunch, then hurt Mary”.
The truth is; people are just concerned about their own grinding and you
might get hurt along the way in their journey. They are for protecting
themselves and their emotions, so they might hurt you along the way.
3. Assumptions are the mother of all Screw-ups

4. The father of Screw-ups is High Expectations
So now, having established that people are broken and are
quite self-centered, wouldn’t it just be the dumbest thing ever to be completely
shocked when they do things that broken people do?? You would avoid massive
heartbreak and major screw-ups if you didn’t expect people to act so right all
the time.
If you expect people to fall short and disappoint you every now and
then, you would be far more forgiving and understanding towards them. I’ve been
hurt so much by certain people of whom I had high expectations. It was so hard
for me to forgive them, until I decided to put myself in their shoes. I realized
that I am not them, and they are not me. Our life experiences have shaped us differently
and what their brokenness allows them to do, my brokenness will allow me to do
something else they wouldn’t do. I would like for that person to forgive me if
ever I did something horribly stupid, so I lowered my standards a little and
found peace within myself.
5. Rumors are the evil WICKED step-mother
If you believe half the things you hear about other people
from secondary sources, you have absolutely no time to love them. We usually
think that rumors are usually hateful speech, but a rumor can sometimes come
from a well-meaning mouth and a sincere heart. It remains a rumor, nonetheless.
It is absolutely shocking to me how some people’s relationships are purely based
on the juicy scoops they share about other people. That stuff is poisonous,
man. Just stop it. The danger about rumors is; they are almost always untrue.
You never have the full information; the story-carrier never has the full information.
That little information that you hear about another person; of how they had sex
with this and that person, how they stole this and that item, and how they were
rude to this and that other person, is strong enough to plant a seed of hate
towards them; you will find it hard to love them, so just switch it off; don’t
entertain rumors.
6. You are pretty unlovable yourself
I always say; what makes us judge other people is
self-righteousness. When somebody does something that you think is beneath you,
it gives you a sense of justification to be angry with them, because you feel
like you are on a higher moral ground. You assume you are better than them
somehow, and you have better judgment than they do. So it's OK for you to not love them as much, and anybody would understand if you hate them a little, right? That’s far from the
truth. How do you know you wouldn’t do what they did if you have never been in
the same shoes as they? We all have patches of ugly, so we are all capable of doing ugly things; given the chance and the right setting... When you realize how ugly
you can also be sometimes, you also realize that you have absolutely no reason
to not love other people because of their patches of ugly. As ugly as you are, you just wanna be loved.
Think about this...
so, don't fail the test...
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