Don't show us your pain, you'll make us feel awkward.

We live in a world where we are convinced that we are not supposed to be sad for longer than 5 seconds, we’re not supposed to have issues, and we’re not supposed to make other people feel awkward about our problems. We’re supposed to suck it up and just move on, build a bridge and get over it, wear our big girl panties and stop crying.

There is so much pressure in our world today to be happy, blissful, joyful and bubbly all the time. There’s so much pressure on us to act like we’ve got our lives together and we’re on top of our game. Society is constantly telling us to be happy, smile and don’t show that you’re hurting. There’s a certain insensitivity towards somebody’s weaknesses, which is quite harsh, because absolutely everybody always hits a low point at one point or another. This leads us to hiding matters that really hurt us, because we’re scared of being childish or annoying. We are told that hiding your pain equals to strength.

 But you see; that’s exactly the kinda stuff that depression is made of. We do not have the freedom to acknowledge our weaknesses for fear of being ridiculed; people will think we’re immature and not wise enough if we’ve got issues. Depression isn’t necessarily caused by sadness and stuff, but rather by the inability to open up about our sorrows, which consequently leads us to a dark place of feeling lonely, uncared for and stupid for feeling that way in the first place.

“You’re forced to keep your act together on the outside, even when you’re falling apart on the inside. That sucks.” - Suoma

Just because I’m genuinely and naturally a happy-go-lucky person, I am forced to hide my tears and my low moments, because I don’t wanna disappoint people or ruin their day. Also, when you tell me to "get over it", you’re belittling my issues and you’re embarrassing me about them. I’m then forced to get over my issues as soon as possible, which sucks.

Way too many people are out here committing suicide, and the news always shocks us because we don’t see it coming. They had issues going on, but they did not find an outlet and they hid their pain, until they could not anymore.

Robin Williams, among many others, was a seemingly very happy person, but he committed suicide. Depression.

 “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance” Ecclesiastes 3: 3-4

Not even God expects you to be super jolly all the time. Sometimes, certain issues will bring you to your knees, my fiend; it's one of those inevitable crap in life. But you’re not supposed to ignore such seasons and brush them aside as immaturity or as a sign of emotional weakness.It is especially sad for most Christians who seem to base their spiritual existence and theological understanding on the following bible verse:

They seem to understand that this verse is commanding us to constantly be happy chappies; on the hour, every hour. It’s almost as if when you’re sad, God looks at you, shakes his head and says “Oh come aan, get over it! Grow up will you? You’re ruining everybody’s day with your pity party. Get up, fake a smile and get moving! You’re annoying me! ”

See, the Holy Spirit wouldn’t be called “the comforter” in John 14:26 if we were always going to be merry and never be in need of comfort. The Lord acknowledges that we will, at one point or another, have trouble; not so we can ignore the troubles, but to approach Him for comfort.

This is my ultimate point; as much as we should maintain joy (which isn’t equal to wearing a fake smile, mind you), we should understand that the Lord does not detest our sorrows, like the world does. He is not annoyed by our feelings of inadequacy, loneliness, a broken spirit, sadness, a broken heart and any other little thing that makes us feel super bad. In fact, He extends His loving-kindness and grace; he comforts us and nurses us to recovery. He’s there to hold our hand as we cry, because we will cry, but the great news is; we will stop crying when we have healed.

Deal with your issues in your space, in your rhythm, without anybody forcing you to hide your wounds or making you feel like you’re dumb for having issues. You will be fine, but don’t let anybody bully you into acting fine before you’re actually fine.
I’m not saying you should mope about, or be comfortable in your sadness and wallow in the dirt, no, and I am, in no way, encouraging you to go around advertising your misery on Facebook, I’m simply urging you to not mask your pain, don’t hide your grief too deeply and don’t despise your weaknesses, don’t push the season over without allowing yourself to recuperate from an emotional hiccup. If you’re not OK, don’t be scared to be vulnerable.  It’s not immaturity; it’s freedom.

Always remember...


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