Not yesterday, not tomorrow; TODAY!
There are certain
things that you’ve probably been doing all your life that keep you unhappy and
not enjoying your now-life. These are self-distracting habits that we have subconsciously come to accept as inevitable truths of our life
cycle. You will very likely disagree with me (I know this, because half of my
friends kinda disagree with me), but I want to coach you to learn to live in the
moment and I hope (unlike my dear friends) that somebody catches my drift ( and that somebody is YOU, just in case you're wondering...)
Every moment and every
season of your life is as important as the next; your future is not more
important than your present, just as your present isn’t more important than
your past. No season should take up so much time of the other season, every
season should be lived in its time; the present. Leave the past in the past,
live tomorrow when tomorrow comes, but now; now is now, so live now.
The Past
First of all; living in
yesterday is just so dumb, because there is absolutely nothing you can do to
change it. There are so many things that might have happened in your life that you
wish you could relive again. Living in past victories, for the most part, keeps
you from creating the victories of today, because you’re still celebrating
having been the best debater in varsity that you forget to strive to be the
best lawyer now.
Looking back at how good you once were usually has the effect
of making you feel like you could never be that great again, which isn’t true. The
key is to keep being great. So, you had a great time when you once lived in
Europe in your teens and now, we as your friends are being tortured with hearing
the same stories over and over again, because you apparently don’t have a life
anymore. You had an amazing relationship with somebody in the past and for some
reason you’re not together anymore, but now we have to endure being compared to
your ex-partner, to whom we will never ever match up. STOP. Living in past
victories only steals from your present victories.
There are also things
that happened and you wish had never happened; yesterday’s regrets. Don’t we all have those? That dumb guy you
wish you had never given your virginity to, that crazy girl you wish had never gotten
past ‘hello’, that marriage that should never have happened that’s got you stamped
‘divorce’ on your forehead, hurtful things you might have said to someone you
were really close to and now the friendship is dead because of you, an
opportunity to go study abroad that you missed because of a bad choice. There
are so many things we may regret and I’m sorry to say this, but we’re only
growing older, so here’s to future regrets. Trust me on this one: you’re not
done screwing up; and such is life. We need to stop regretting things.
Rethinking them over and over again and hoping we would’ve made different choices
isn’t going to fix anything. As a matter of fact, it only makes you feel like a
loser and dumb butt, which has absolutely no prospect of making you a better person
anyhow, so just forget it and move on.
The Future

I get really annoyed by
people who constantly keep telling me to look to the future and basically live
for my future self; like my present self is not as important as my future self!
“Work now and play later, save now and spend later, study now and reap later” “Your
future self will be so thankful” Yes, but my present self is out here being
starved, because apparently the future is more deserving of good things than
the present? That’s just twisted.
When I was in law school, for example, I deliberately
played as much as I studied, because I had the realization that attaining my
law degree could not possibly be worth ignoring five years of my social life. Many
people can only tell you how ‘studying’ was this and that; crazy tests, stupid
exams, mean lecturers, blah-blah-blah. I am currently working, I’m enjoying my job and
I’m spending as much as I’m saving. I’m enjoying my singleness as much as I’m
looking forward to being married. I cannot spend my “now years” solely in
preparation for my “later years”.
Similarly, it takes a
special kind of masochist to constantly worry about tomorrow, simply because
you can worry until your hair turns grey, and you will never be able to fly
over to tomorrow, knock on its door and say ‘Hi I’d like to avoid this and that...’
All your life seasons are significant, and you’re going to have to enjoy the
living daylights of today as much as you will knock the joyous socks off of
tomorrow when you get there.
"Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, And let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth; Walk in the ways of your heart, And in the sight of your eyes; But know that for all these, God will bring you into judgment (oops!)" - Wise King Solomon
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