Chucking people out of your life
A friend recently asked for advice on how to cut someone out of her life. I have successfully cut several
people out of my life (yeah I’m a bit of a jerk when it comes to keeping my
environment glitch-free, drama-free and crap-free), so I’ve totally been there, done that... There are
certain people that should not be in your life for one reason or another (yes, even
if you love them!), but how do you know it’s time to cut them out, what are the acceptable reasons for chucking them and how can you successfully
do it? Learn from the Lifecoach.
First of all, let me
just tell you that you will just know that you know when you know that somebody
has got to go! However, the following reasons are considered quiet reasonable:
1. Someone who keeps you around solely for their
own benefit & never gives
2. The person you broke up with but you are
not over them (you’re so not ready to handle news of their new romantic
3. Someone who greatly disrespects you or
disregards your boundaries.
4. Someone who simply gives you bad vibes; trust
your instincts - energy doesn’t lie!
5. Ex-boyfriends
or ex-girlfriends with issues – like, CUT’em OUT!
6.*Toxic people* judgmental, look-downers,
manipulative, persistent liars, excessively negative & energy draining,
unforgiving - Those have seriously got to go!
7. Carriers of a habit that you are
determined to break of, e.g. the excessive smoking or drinking crew when you
are trying so hard to quit.
8. People who resent your progress or are jealous of you. Like, haaalllooww!!
9. Someone who always makes you feel like
you are not enough
10. Somebody you simply
don’t want in your life anymore, for whatever reason, it's your life! (unless you have married
them, of course, then you just have to stick it through my friend, you made a
Cutting somebody out of
your life doesn't make you hateful or “unChristian”, it just means
that you respect your journey and you know what you’re willing to tolerate and
what you aren’t prepared to put up with. Some people you just have to love from
a distance. You may feel like some people will not be able to live without you,
but the truth is; they were doing pretty OK without you, and trust me; they
will be fine when you’re gone. I had someone call me in the middle of the night
threatening suicide because I was keeping them out of my life and it kept me awake
for days; such manipulation, my word!
“There is a difference between loyalty and bondage. There is a difference between faithfulness and fearfulness. There is a difference between being devoted and being dominated. The difference is called FREEDOM, and it is all the difference in the world.” – Bryant McGill
You can hardly change the people around you, but you can definitely change the people you want to have around you, and cutting the crappy people out often makes room for the right people to come in. Your destiny isn't tied to anybody, especially when their presence seems to do more harm than good. Be kind to yourself. How to do it is as easy and as difficult as it is.
1. Some people are quite sensible and you
can simply inform them that you have decided to cut them out for whatever
reason, but you don’t owe them a huge explanation, if they’re not getting it. I
had broken up with a boyfriend who had gotten over me (can you believe it?!), so I
informed him that it would be much easier for me to get over them and regain
myself if they were completely out of my life, so all communications had to be
stopped, Facebook friendships had to be cancelled, numbers and pictures had to
be deleted.

3. Some people are quite determined (or
destined) to remain in your life; they attend the same church, they’re colleagues,
family members, or people you share friends with. Apart from minimizing the
time spent around them, the other thing you can do is make a conscious decision
to not attach any significance to their presence. They are in your life, yes,
they are at every party you go to, but you remain indifferent to them. They may
or may never get the message, but the solution lies in the fact that their
presence will stop bothering you, because you have learned to successfully
ignore them.
It’s not easy to let go
of some people (I’ve been there, like, a million times) and so it’s important
to appreciate that it may take a bit of a process and you’re totally allowed to
talk about it. Thank God we all have that one friend who never gets tired of
hearing our drama! (PS: If yo don't have that kinda friend, contact a Lifecoach *wink*) but Refrain from bad-mouthing; that’s just nasty and so
ratchet, it poisons you (and I am shamefully guilty of being this ratchet). You
also have to be prepared to lose other people whom you didn’t necessarily plan
on losing in the process, but they are so closely attached to the subject of
your life-scissors that it only makes sense to keep your distance from them as
well (your ex-girlfriend’s best friend, for example, is absolutely off limits!)
When you
cut someone out, you don’t have to be rude, ill-mannered or immature about it
and you don’t have to act like they are a breath of toilet-air when they enter
the building. Be polite; greet them when you have to, be able to be in the same
place with them without entertaining them as you would a friend, and laugh if
they crack a funny joke (I will laugh at your jokes, my friend), without having
to go out of your way to accommodate them. You also don’t have to be fake about it; it’s called maturity.
Remember, to have a truly beautiful and meaningful life, you have to be bold enough to grab the scissors and...
Great Piece. Been there a million times. :) Sometimes the victim, sometimes the victor. hahahahahahahahaha.
ReplyDeleteExcellent. (y)
Thank you Buzzi; I'm glad this spoke to you :)