Chucking people out of your life

A friend recently asked for advice on how to cut someone out of her life. I have successfully cut several people out of my life (yeah I’m a bit of a jerk when it comes to keeping my environment glitch-free, drama-free and crap-free ), so I’ve totally been there, done that... There are certain people that should not be in your life for one reason or another (yes, even if you love them! ), but how do you know it’s time to cut them out, what are the acceptable reasons for chucking them and how can you successfully do it? Learn from the Lifecoach. First of all, let me just tell you that you will just know that you know when you know that somebody has got to go! However, the following reasons are considered quiet reasonable: 1. Someone who keeps you around solely for their own benefit & never gives 2. The person you broke up with but you are not over them (you’re so not ready to handle news of their new romantic interests) 3. Someone who greatly disrespects you or...