When all you wanna say is "I wanna barbecue you, can I barbecue you?"

I’ve always thought that I was a very likable person. I would literally be jaw-drop shocked when I discovered that somebody didn’t like me. Like, how?? Why not?? Have you actually met me? I’m pretty cool! *hides* Yeah, that was back in my younger days, when I was stupid, naïve and self-centered. I have quickly grown to learn that people sometimes just don’t like some people. It has since liberated me to live with the fact that some people are not going to like me, but that doesn’t mean that I’m a wrong or a bad person. I'm just not their kinda cool, you know what I mean? :) I’m basically trying to tell you that some people will not like you, and that’s OK. It is also OK, I figure, to not like some people. Hold your horses, before you Christianese-bash me. I’m not advocating for hatred or whatever. I’m just being real. Hear me. There are some people that you absolutely really like, with no rhyme or reason. Then there are those who you have no idea how you feel about t...