Emotional Stupidity

This blog was originally titled “Emotional Intelligence” which I decided was a bit boring. Stupidity is way more common and relatable, no? A lot of people are quite injudicious (big word ha? *wink*). There’s more stupid adults than there are intelligent ones; the statistics are quite overwhelming. Yes, there’s lots of book-smart pants, but very few social-emotional smarties. There are some things that people do to reveal that they have diddle-squat emotional intelligence (EQ). I have an extensive list of friends that can’t seem to make emotionally wise choices and I try not to ignore or downplay their propensity to make such emotionally senseless moves. I like to define EQ as the smart ability to recognize, understand and manage your own emotions and those of others. Managing the emotions of other people, however, is not the same as “controlling” their emotions. EQ entails the ability to use emotional information to guide your thinking and behavi...