Do you know about the pre-relationship?

This blogging thing has got me feeling like some type of relationship expert, though... Disclaimer : The views and wisdom expressed in this blog do not reflect the state of my love life in any way. Or lack thereof, rather… Remember when we were younger and boys would write notes to girls asking them to be their girlfriends? The girl would then tick in the appropriate box YES or NO. Oh no wait, that’s just in the American movies. Where I’m from (the north), a boy asked you nicely to be his girlfriend, and if you showed hints of resistance, brother-man would just twist your arm into obedience. Little savages. Anyway, my point is: relationships were quite easier then (if we can call them relationships at the age of 12). If there was someone in your life, at least you knew for sure if you were in a relationship-relationship or not. Things have changed quite dramatically. Guys don’t even ask anymore (Like, what's up with that, boys?). N...