To the 20something year-old sistah

So, I went on a date with this other eligible hunk a couple of months ago. ( Yes, I do go on dates sometimes. And yes, there are eligible hunks around here… ) We were on the subject of relationships, (obviously) and I was on a rant, explaining to him why so many men are just below standard, and lo and behold, he turned the tables, squinted his eyes, stared right at me and almost-whispered this question; “What do you have to offer? Why should anybody marry you?” Yup, threw me right off. Let’s ignore his arrogance. We’ll appreciate his straight-forwardness and the lesson I learned, which I’m about to share with you, ladies… Also, the sad reality and truth of the matter is that good women are so few and far apart. No kidding. It got me thinking alright. Value addition. Why should anybody be eager to marry you instead of, say, somebody else? Or instead of being alone rather? What value are you prepared to add that could motivate a guy to give up the life of...