Things they hardly tell you about marriage

So many souls out here getting engaged, getting married and being all sorts of serious about commitment, so I decided to blog about marriage, because in the midst of it all; divorce rates are horrifically high . And yes, I’ve never been married before, but I’m a pseudo Divorce lawyer, so I kinda know what I’m talking about. Here is a list of some things I believe they hardly tell us about marriage , which is a real pity, coz most of us just enter this thing in a sort of delusion. One of the biggest reasons marriages aren’t working is because satan hates marriage sooo much , you have no idea. I don’t mean to be all spiritual about it, but that’s the truth. Marriage is a spiritual institution, created by God for our utmost enjoyment and for God’s glory, so it kinda makes a lot of sense why the devil would attack it like crazy. So, yeah, that’s the first thing on the list: 1. There’s a reason why marriages are solemnized in church, why vows ar...