To the Shallow 20something year-old Namibian guy…

For some pathetic and probably natural cause, I’ve been thinking about marriage lately. Like, A FLIPPING LOT, almost absolutely every day. I’m also finding myself engrossed in conversation about marriage and weddings, like all the time. Must be because, my sister, my best friend and my colleague are all getting married, (and pretty much everybody else) and everything else on my twitter and Instagram feed basically screams “Marriage! Wedding! Compatibility! Wedding-shoots” The irrational notion that the clock ticks and has started doing so in my case is badgering against my brain. No no, don’t worry, I’m not getting paranoid... Or maybe I am. *sigh* Whatever. Anyway, here we are: in the 21 st Century and things have changed dramatically since our grandmothers had gotten married. I, as any other female millennial would relate, am a victim of banners that shout that 21 st Century girls are not marriage material. *rolls eyes* Fair enough. Here are the following insu...